Black Area after using the scroll bar


New member
May 11, 2007
Programming Experience
I have an application with the facility in the GUI fra,ework can contain multiple panes. Number of panes on teh GUI layout if increases then scroll bars for each pane get activated to meet the real estate need on the GUI.

The issue that i am facing it is that in the same condition of having multiple panes and scroll bar....randomly if i move the scroll bar of one of the panes containing a grid control a "black area" appears on the GUI which is not on the grid pane but some other adjacent pane.

Once it gets intitiated the balck are awould persist and can be seen continuously.

R&D Comments:
Nowhere in the code i have a drawing which appears like this.

I am not able to catch a lead for getting a solution for this.

Is it an issue with windows memory mangement & controls ?

Please Help me out with this.......

How are you initating your plane? Adding another to it and destroying the first? If so try transfering it using the .clone. If your image is tied to something that is no longer there then you might get a black output.