Opening Forms


Active member
Jun 11, 2007
Programming Experience
hello all

i am new to this whole vb thing. but i am trying to build an application. my first question (and there probably will be many) is, is it better to have one form that pops up the other forms in the application or is it better practice to have one form that changes depending on what you want to do.

what i have so far is basically a form that pops up and from there you can choose what you want to do. like enter a new client for example. when you click the button that says enter new client a new form pops up and you can enter a new client. that is fine and all but would it be better to have the main form change and then enter the new client from there?

i hope i am explaining myself well enough.

thanks for any help.
I would say creating multiple forms is your best bet. Although, keep in mind there are shortcuts for different tasks... such as 'entering a clients name'. Instead of creating a whole new form just for that, you can just enter the code below into a button click event:

Dim tempClient As String
tempClient = InputBox("Name:", "New Client")
thanks for the tip.

but if i need to enter a bunch of info for the client like the address and contact info it would be best to make a form for that?