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  • Users: Pace
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  1. Pace

    pass params + vars to stored proc

    oooo perfect, Cheers TG ;-)
  2. Pace


    1) Yes 2) Yes
  3. Pace

    Data cannot be saved into DB

    if its 2005... Me.BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.YourTableAdapter.Update(Me.YourRecordset) 2003 is very similar... its just EndCurrentEdit I think...
  4. Pace

    pass params + vars to stored proc

    Hello all, Ive never done this before but hey, first time for everything and all that. VS 2005 - I have a stored procedure on my sql server set to do lots of funky stuff... Only thing is, it needs 3 variables from my app. 2 strings and a date and these need to be passed as parameters...
  5. Pace

    how open word input to textbox (

    Im not entirely sure what you are asking :-S
  6. Pace

    Access vs

    Bah! I absolutely love, I think its one of the best things to ever come from Microsoft... Im truly devestated however as my firms apps are all in access... I find access harder to use than im gutted. I just come to write a new app to introduce, all looking very sexy and...
  7. Pace

    Forum Question... Cant find where to put it

    Hi! Does Admin think that we could have a "hang out" area of the forum? I love these boards I can sit here all day reading and sharing with others but after several hours we all need a coffee and a non-tech chat. Do you think we could have one here? Just somewhere where you can ramble about...
  8. Pace

    Learning VB.Net

    Remember its a combination of all the little things that you do that makes it great. Make sure its fun, read as much as you can when you can and if you start having a lot of trouble, leave it for a few hours =)
  9. Pace

    sql problem for my sqlcommand in VB.NET
  10. Pace

    Some DataRelation tasks

    most of it is down to the design of the backend. but if you are still struggling try: hth Pace
  11. Pace

    .net 2002 and Access, no bound data controls and relational tables. HELP!

    here here... In that sense then jmcilhinney isnt every control data bound at some point.
  12. Pace

    Learning VB.Net

    I agree completely kulrom, thats why these boards are so cool, 2 heads are better than one and all that :-)
  13. Pace

    tooltip property

    so... yourtooltip.settooltip(YourControl,"YourText") ?
  14. Pace

    Can this application be created in VB.NET
  15. Pace

    viewing .net framework classes

    hehe! it wasnt a criticism, merely for those that search ;-)
  16. Pace

    Populating listviews

    hey your welcome and good luck with the exam :-)
  17. Pace

    Add User Control to Project (VS2005 Beta 2)

    Hi! Did you resolve this? It would just be interesting to know the solution. Regards, Pace
  18. Pace

    Microsoft Development Environment

    Is this locally or are you on a network?
  19. Pace

    Editing VBNET code on 2 PCs

    :eek: :p u live and learn =)