Search results for query: *

  1. F

    Question Problem with Dim x As Object

    i agree with Solitaire, but if for some reason you really do need to declare invidual variables, and they're all of the same type you can do something like this with the syntax, which shortens the code you need to write. Ex: Dim Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, Ad5, Ad6 As Object
  2. F

    Carpet calculator calculation problems. Help!

    ...width = 6; 6/5 = 2 rolls 'so you can just use the ceiling method here, since you want to round up totalWidth = strips * rollwidth carpetWidthLeft = totalWidth - width Console.WriteLine("MetersRequired to cover width: " & totalWidth.ToString())...
  3. F

    Carpet calculator calculation problems. Help!

    ...can use += which does the same thing strips = strips + length strips += length 'same as above 'can also be done with other operators, -= , /=, *= i suppose ill answer the last question as well... floor and round are methods, see the links to documentation on msdn that Menthos...
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    Smple form show question

    go to the solution(your project's) properties, then change the "Shutdown Mode" to "When last form closes". Should solve your problem...
  5. F

    Problem 2 : Business Travel Expense

    I took a quick look at your code, and partially debugged it. Not sure if this gets the desired results, but the main problem with your code is the variables that you are passing into the methods. I think there is also a bug in the results method, don't really have time to go through all the...
  6. F

    Question Mysterious problem: Program does NOT do what it is being told

    ...= 0 To 9 Dim arrTemp(4) As String 'to here ' creates a new string() for each arrWhatever(i) = New Whatever For j As Integer = 0 To 4 arrTemp(j) = "File" & 5 * i + j Next j arrWhatever(i).Inputs = arrTemp Next i
  7. F

    Question Can this be done (TCP Client/Server)?

    ...links with a quick google search using keywords " socket client and server" VB.NET Socket Programming VB.NET MultiThreaded Server Socket Programming Socket server : Socket Server*«*Socket Network*«*VB.Net Tutorial Using Async Socket Client : Socket Client*«*Socket Network*«*VB.Net...
  8. F

    Application reference file?

    i'm not sure what your missing, but my guess would be a dll or some kind of resource you referenced? When i use the click once installer (using windows 7), it puts the files within in this directory C:\Users\Flippedbeyond\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\ and it stores the settings config file in...
  9. F

    Application reference file?

    to get the exe to work "stand-alone"... i don't know much about that error, but if you want to get the exe from the release folder to work standalone (still requires correct version of .net framework to be installed already of course), make sure all of the files referenced are embedded...
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    Question Button - Search database HELP

    your code is hard to read, if you make your code more readable, it'll increase the chances of someone helping you. Try using code/xcode/etc. formatting blocks in your post, see
  11. F

    Question Check on app startup is login is needed else start mainform

    yeah, np. that sounds about right. so just fix the logic and i think you should be fine.
  12. F

    Resolved in 2010, what is shortcut: Ctrl+K + Ctrl+K for?

    Does anyone know what this shortcut does? Besides toggling the icon on the left of the line number? ^^ the sky blue rectangle on the left of code line 965 Ctrl-K + Ctrk-K toggles show/hide of that rectangle on a code line ..i found it by accident and i've been using it like a bookmark for...
  13. F

    Resolved syntax question: "Public Property [row]() As String" what are [] and () for?

    Thanks JuggaloBrotha. I got it now, i did a little more testing and i also noticed that the () is just the method sig with empty parameters, because its a property, to declare it as an array the () has to be after the type Property row() As Integer 'not array '() is unnecessary...
  14. F

    Resolved syntax question: "Public Property [row]() As String" what are [] and () for?

    syntax question: "Public Property [row]() As String" what are [] and () for? small, not important question, but its been bugging me. I saw this in someones code, can somebody please explain what the []() syntax does? thanks Public Property [row]() As String 'is []() just optional syntax...
  15. F

    String Manipulation

    if you want to separate the letters you can just use the string Split method. Ex: Dim s As String = "a_b_c_d" Dim letters As String() = s.Split("_"c) note: in this array "letters(2)" would be "c"
  16. F

    Question Check on app startup is login is needed else start mainform

    i would put it in a module. another option if you use the"Enable application framework" and set the "Splash screen" along with the "Startup object" as a form, is to handle the form activated event instead of the load, also your going to need to change the "Shutdown mode" to "When last form...
  17. F

    Question Check on app startup is login is needed else start mainform

    If you wanted to, here's another alternative/idea: you could uncheck(disable) the "Enable Application Framework" in the project properties and set the "Startup object" as Sub Main(), then put the code in Main() and handle the splash screen and stuff yourself. so for example:: Sub main()...
  18. F

    Using variables from one form in another

    shorter syntax available. also question: what is []() syntax for? you can just do Property rows As String it does the equivalent to what you did. since your doing a basic get,set you do not have to declare the get,set. This is the code it defaults to if you don't specify a get,set...
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    Using variables from one form in another

    check out these posts, they should be of some help. Let me know if it doesn't..