Application reference file?


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Programming Experience
Since my other thread didnt seem to get too far heres a different question.. in the start menu, where the shortcut to applications are usually found, under my apps folder theres an "Application Reference" file? where is the exe that this is supposedly referring to?? I looked in local settings folder and theres nothing there?? if i try to use the exe out of the release folder from my development computer on any other computer it gives me an "event type: clr20r3 system.invalidoperationexception". it only seems to work right when i use the click once to install. grrrrr
to get the exe to work "stand-alone"...

if i try to use the exe out of the release folder from my development computer on any other computer it gives me an "event type: clr20r3 system.invalidoperationexception". it only seems to work right when i use the click once to install. grrrrr

i don't know much about that error, but if you want to get the exe from the release folder to work standalone (still requires correct version of .net framework to be installed already of course), make sure all of the files referenced are embedded.

example: when referencing dll library files. In VS.Net set the dll file "build action" to "Embedded Resource", you can then handle the "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve" event in the Application Events to get the dll from the embedded resources

i believe this method originated from Jeffrey Richter: Excerpt #2 from CLR via C#, Third Edition - Microsoft Press - Site Home - MSDN Blogs (it's c#, but i'm sure you can find a translator/translated version somewhere online)

i have a snippet i modded and use all the time for embedding dll files in, if you want/need i can post the code.
Since my other thread didnt seem to get too far heres a different question.. in the start menu, where the shortcut to applications are usually found, under my apps folder theres an "Application Reference" file? where is the exe that this is supposedly referring to?? I looked in local settings folder and theres nothing there?? if i try to use the exe out of the release folder from my development computer on any other computer it gives me an "event type: clr20r3 system.invalidoperationexception". it only seems to work right when i use the click once to install. grrrrr

Do you know what the click once installer adds that i might be missing? Does it create an exe somewhere? ive tried looking and searching for it but cant find it???
click once installer adds that i might be missing? Does it create an exe somewhere? ive tried looking and searching for it but cant find it???

i'm not sure what your missing, but my guess would be a dll or some kind of resource you referenced?

When i use the click once installer (using windows 7), it puts the files within in this directory C:\Users\Flippedbeyond\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\
and it stores the settings config file in something like C:\Users\Flippedbeyond\AppData\Local\Flippedbeyond\

Maybe your files are somewhere similar? Probably in the User\AppData folder, it may be a hidden folder