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  1. J

    Urgent Help Needed regarding Vb.Net and C Program

    Is this for a job interview or something, if so are you sure you are suited to the job?
  2. J

    SelectedItem property of dropdownlists...

    I cannot be sure cos it is a while since I worked on this problem, but I think I solved it by using a 'find item by value' or something like that on the list of values.... sorry i can't help more but it might be a nudge in the right direction.
  3. J

    2 datagrids and 3 labels to read database info

    try re-databinding them, e.g. datagrid2.databind() datagrid3.databind() That should make them re-query their data source.
  4. J

    using multiple databases

    Yeah, you may end up having to release 2 versions, to support the different database engines. I assume you are not using a data access layer?
  5. J

    Audio feedback on every button.

    Thank you very much for the effort.
  6. J

    Using XML as dataSource

    Can I also be a little cheeky as suggest a border around the pop out menus - they are hard to decipher from the text on some pages.
  7. J

    Using XML as dataSource

    Why not use SQL server express edition? It will do most of what SQL server will do, the only drawback is the 4Gb database size limit, which really is a lot when you think about it! Free is my favourite price in the world...
  8. J

    list of countries and States

    ...States are in another table called tblStates with 3 columns: ID, CountryID and State Your first dropdownlist's Data source should just be "Select * from tblCountries order by CountryName" Your second DDL's Data source should be "Select * from tblStates where countryID=@CountryID order by...
  9. J

    Audio feedback on every button.

    I don't see any code...:)
  10. J

    Audio feedback on every button.

    popup message may be the way to go, I was just thinking that with a touchscreen there is no tactile feedback, which I would find really frustrating! Thanks!
  11. J

    creating web apps?

    In what sense do you mean requirements? Hardware? Software? User knowledge?
  12. J

    PostBackUrl and receiving email problem

    Or, instead of using 2 panels and doing the switcharound, you could just use a multiview and change the view index.
  13. J

    Drag and drop images Try that
  14. J

    Audio feedback on every button.

    Hi guys. I am developing a touchscreen application with many buttons on the forms. What I am wondering, as whether there is a way to give feedback to the user that their input has been recognised? e.g. My app will be used for ordering products. If the user taps the touchscreen, but there is a...
  15. J

    How to monitor mouse and keyboard actions?

    You could also use a timer control, and monitor (say every 30 secs) the name of the currently selected control. If this control has changed, then your counter resets, but if your counter reaches 300, then it means your app has not been used for 5 minutes. This has another advantage in that the...