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  • Users: jwh
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  1. J

    Referencing property vs underlying variable

    As JohnH says, if you are just doing Get Return iNumItems End Get Then it makes little difference. However, if you wish to do some more processing, or fire an event etc when the property gets read, then you should go through the property. Personally, unless there is a specific reason to...
  2. J

    Best Approach to Programically Parse Email

    With such a high email throughput, I would not move away from exchange. I can imagine all sorts of problems if you mess up the config of the new server :) The following link may be of use to you I don't think performance should be too...
  3. J

    Need help! db look up

    How do you plan to display the related fields on your form? Datagrid? One thing that flags to me is that you mention you have a database set up with VB.Net.... I assume you mean a SQL database? Have you specified relationships in your Database / Dataset?
  4. J

    No right or wrong?

    Yes, there are many ways of achieving most things, but lets face it, if you type crap, nothing 'amazing' is going to come out of it. It's just like saying that there are many ways of driving a car, but lets face it, doing it with your teeth is probably not a good one.
  5. J

    Can anyone get me some images?

    Here you go - From scratch to runtime in a 3 minute AVI.
  6. J

    Do you run a defragger on your hard drives?

    Put it this way - vista has defrag as a scheduled task out of the box.
  7. J

    Query within a Query

    I'm not sure on your second question, so this is for your first question. You can nest SQL Statements. Say I have 2 Tables: Customers and Orders If I want a list of customers, along with the SUM of all their orders (obviously you can play with the WHERE clause to pull just about any info your...
  8. J

    Snap Moveable buttons to each other

    My application has a similar facility. I recommend rounding off the x and y positions to the nearest 8 pixels on your mouseup event.
  9. J

    Secure this login screen

    It doesn't have to be XML, it can be stored in a database, or even a text file. The key is to ensure you do not store it as plain text, you should encrypt it before writing out to the text file.
  10. J

    Look changed from XP to Win95

    Try enabling XP Visual Styles in the project properties.
  11. J

    How do I programmatically tell if I am in the development environment?

    Or try System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached = True
  12. J

    VS 2008 Code corrupting

    I know this won't help much, but i doubt that is the fault of VS2008, I would be having a good look at media player instead, it seems to be inserting metadata into the file for some strange reason....
  13. J

    not storing correct value

    This is a fairly low-traffic area of the site, dedicated to discussions on unit testing etc, you may be better off asking in the SQL area of the site, or, if appropriate, the ADO.NET area.
  14. J

    Update a table when connection is back

    It sounds to me like you need to have a look at the ADO.NET Sync Framework. It will store your data locally in a SQL Compact database, and then it will synchronise with your main server when you tell it to. I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to find out if the sync succeeded or failed, and to...
  15. J

    Including windows hotfix in setup package

    My application requires that a certain windows hotfix has been applied in order to work correctly. Is there any way I can include this hotfix in my application install? If there is, how do I stop the hotfix from running again if a newer version of the software is installed?
  16. J

    Listview Scroll ( ensurevisible not available)

    Hello. I Have a listview with several items in it. How do I get the listview to scroll down when another item is added? In winforms, I could just call ensurevisible() on the item in question, and the listview would scroll, but (even though MSDN says to the contrary) there is no EnsureVisible...
  17. J

    Detecting a freeze

    I have an application that has multiple background threads that loop for tasks eg every 10 secs etc. I obviously also have my gui thread that the users interact with. In this particular market (epos) there is absolutely no delays allowed, but sometimes ( and it can be days of use before this...
  18. J

    Integrate many exes together to make a complete project which loads exes

    Process.start(path to executable) starts the executable as a seperate process.
  19. J

    Time algorithm

    You can have value returned by using ByRef instead of ByVal if I have a sub... Sub Add(ByVal x as integer, ByVal y as integer, ByRef Total as integer) Total = x+y end sub and I call it like Dim total as integer add(x,y,total) then total WILL have the correct value in it, because I used...
  20. J

    PresentationCore.dll Hogging CPU!

    OK, it seems now that is is just directly relative to the number of wpf buttons I have on the form, regardless of whether they are visible or hidden. However; if they are Collapsed (Windows.Visibility.Collapsed) then all is good, and it doesn't hog the resources. Long story short; Use...