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  1. J

    Copy a dataset

    the problem is that you are calling acceptchanges on the MDBDataSet You should be using a TableAdapter to update your MDB file instead. Acceptchanges simply marks all Added / updated rows in the dataset as 'Current'
  2. J

    How can i do a nice formatted table for calculation like this one ?

    The datagrid method (IMO) will be messy to code. You can create the layout with textboxes, and then on the TextChanged event of the relevant boxes, do your calculation for the other boxes.
  3. J

    Looping in collection causes Error

    The other approach is to set a breakpoint on each line, until it falls over.
  4. J

    How to go about this...

    The variables are being dimmed in the correct place. Put a breakpoint at the end of GetTimes, and see if the variables are being set correctly. Also, put the following in as a final statement within the select Case Else Msgbox( "Unrecognised value: " & cbxHalo1Map.SelectedItem.ToString)...
  5. J

    Saving Data Problem

    You seem to have an interesting hybrid of DA methods there, why on earth are you using Dataadapters and tableadapters? When dealing with Datasets in net 2.0, Tableadapters are the way to go.
  6. J

    help trying to create a login form

    This looks like another homework one, but at least this guy seems to have made an effort!
  7. J

    Concurrency violation?

    Neal / cjard The Update() command willl refresh PK's etc IF the underlying datasource supports multiple operations per command, e.g. When you call the update, each Update / Insert is followed by a Select within the same command. This is why if you try to use a SQL Compact database, then a) it...
  8. J

    Array to Datagrid

    Hi You are going to have to clarify what you mean by 'list of array'
  9. J

    How can i do a nice formatted table for calculation like this one ?

    You could try creating a datagrid, but not databound to anything, and recalculate when any of the values change? Otherwise, I think the best way would be to build one yourself with labels and textboxes. The latter usually looks better, also.
  10. J

    How to go about this...

    Also, when looking for one specific value, instead of doing a If / Then for every case, try using Select Case. Private Sub GetTimes() Select Case cbxHalo1Map.SelectedItem.ToString Case "Blood Gluch" H1ACCount = 180 H1OSCount = 60...
  11. J

    How to go about this...

    When assigning a value to a variable, you do not need to 'Dim' it. By Dimming within a function/sub, you create a new variable that only exists within the block. So try removing the dim statements from your subs / functions, and see how it goes.
  12. J

    Looping in collection causes Error

    Comment out your try/catch statement, and see what line it falls over on, then we've got a better chance of nailing it. From what I can see, there is nothing glaringly obvious...
  13. J

    scrabble game in VB: Help

    Thats because technically you are not doing a drag and drop. What you want to do is move the button at runtime. On the mousedown for the button, you need to set a variable (boolean) to true, to say that you want to move the button. On the mousemove, if the variable is true then move the...
  14. J

    Datagrid not recognizing MyApplication_UnhandledException

    you need to handle the DataError event.
  15. J

    .Net application window forms are closed automatically

    Are you the developer? Can it be ran in debug mode? What you are asking is the equivalent of emailing Ford, Saying 'My Honda doesn't work, whats wrong with it?' and expecting a clear answer...
  16. J

    validate password??

    I suspect this is another case of a few students that have found their way here for a homework project.... If that is the case, it's not recommended, because you won't learn anything by copying us, and also, we are wise to such practices, such as spotting a VERY SIMILAR QUESTION HERE
  17. J

    Tally UserName Password

    I suspect this is another case of a few students that have found their way here for a homework project.... If that is the case, it's not recommended, because you won't learn anything by copying us, and also, we are wise to such practices, such as spotting a VERY SIMILAR QUESTION HERE
  18. J

    Need help! db look up

    First of all, I recommend creating a DataSet based on your database, this will the thing that you databind to. Once you have created a DataSet, if you click Data > Show Data Sources, then you will have a pane that contains all the tables and fields in the dataset, and you can then...
  19. J

    Best Approach to Programically Parse Email

    AFAIK, it's instant, but this may technically still have a delay due to exchnage processing the email. If you need true instant, then I think you need to consider writing a simple SMTP Client that will listen on port25 for the incoming email, parse the info, and then pass it directly in to the...
  20. J

    Best Approach to Programically Parse Email

    Does the email have to be parsed immediately, or is a delay of a minute or 2 acceptable? If Yes( Delay acceptable), then that will make your application more scaleable, as it will be able to handle a higher volume of traffic. If not, then off the top of my head, you could maybe look at...