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    Help challenging numbers

    Yep you're right. (it seems to be one of the math classics) Thanks for pointing me to the answer. But is there a way to crack this nut the hard way? To actualy program a calculator that can handle these enormeous numbers? (I probably mis the bigger picture here......) thanks in advance
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    Help challenging numbers

    Hi, I try to solve a mathematical question (just for fun, and someone (in my family) who claims it can't be done, must be proven wrong):cool: I like this challange (or am I just a fool) what is it; try to display the outcome of 4444 ^ 4444 This is huge, and Im strugling with it. Because ie...
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    item select works onclick NOT in sub

    Hi Im using vb express and trying to select all item in a listview. I have a mainform in which i load another form in a panel (panel 2 in splitcontainer) It works when I use a button on form2: PrivateSub btnSelectAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles...
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    Scrollbar in Datagrid disapears

    Dont know why, ut I found out that; I design in 1400X1280 if I change my screenresolution (ie 1024x 176) and run the app again, the scrollbar is gone. If I change back..... its there?:confused: is this a bug...
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    Scrollbar in Datagrid disapears

    Hi I recently moved to VB2005 express. New is the the splitcontainer. I decided to put a splitcontainer on my form to make layout easier. Its a maseter/detail form. The master (datagrid in panel1) and the details (textboxes containing the details of the selected record in panel2). I just...
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    problem positioning controls

    Thanks to you all, for replying, a demo is kind a hard. everything is based on MSDE. I will make one if nothing else seems to work. To make things easier to understand, I attached a screenshot. as you can.. my problem. this is the load event; PrivateSub frmAdresboek_Load(ByVal sender As...
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    problem positioning controls

    Hi, When loading my form I want to position a tabcontrol depending of the width of a datagrid. I do (on the form load event) 'load the list LoadList() 'add TableSyle tsCursistenInschrijvingen() 'calc our start coordinates X and Y AFTER we added the ts Dim intX AsInteger =...
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    how to set new width to datagrid

    [resolved] Found it! Just before adding the TS to the DT Me.dgCursisten.Width = dgCursWidth + 56 '56 is width of rowheader dgCursisten.TableStyles.Add(tsCursisten) thx
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    how to set new width to datagrid

    Hi, cant figure out where to set the new datagrid width to fit all the columns. I define a tablestyle and count the total width of the columns Oke this is what i do (try) 1. load the form 2. add dgStyle to datatable (here I calculate (intdgCursWidth) the width of all colums, which I want...
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    Null in stream

    [resolved] thanks vis781, to avoid making typos I did "add existing item" and just picked to bmp files. I changed the build action to "embedded resource" still no luck (same null error) meanwhile I solved it while doing: ?Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames {Length=19} (0)...
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    Sending Mail

    Get the 101 VB samples, there's a good working example named "VB.NET - NET Framework - How-To Send Mail" follow the link:
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    Null in stream

    Thanks for your reply, I replaced it but... no luck.. same err ("'null' is not a valid value for 'stream'." ) hmmmm:( Here are more details, hopefully this make sit more clear. I try to make a button in a datagrid. so from my form (with the datagrid) like this: Dim tsCursFin As...
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    Null in stream

    Hi, everytime I call this piece of code, it end with an exepction Dim strm As System.IO.Stream = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("fullbuttonface.bmp") _buttonFace = New Bitmap(strm) the ex is: Message "'null' is not a valid value for 'stream'." String these are my imports...
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    dataset or datatable

    thx to you to, this addition makes it even more clear. THANKS guys
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    dataset or datatable

    Resolved thanks for your explanation. This was helpfull
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    dataset or datatable

    I was wondering whats best to use for performance reasons. when I add a gridstyle to my datagrid, I can use a ds or a dt as my datasource. but whats the pro/cons for using one or the other? performance? Or do I have more option when I use ie the ds instead of a dt? can someone help me with...
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    unable to draw line

    thank!!! that worked
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    unable to draw line

    thanks so far, i think I lost you. Do you mean that I dont need a the sub PrivateSub grpFactAanmaak_Paint(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles grpFactAanmaak.Paint but just instead (just somewhere ie load form event)? i tried (on the form load...
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    unable to draw line

    you are right. The first time I didnt see my line, I thought I calculate the coordiantes like start X, Y of the grpBox and add start X,Y of the label inside this groupbox , in order to calc the startingpoint of my line. this was when i used the paintevent of the form now i use the paint event...
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    unable to draw line

    sorry for the inconvenience but I changed the code to: Dim L1 As System.Drawing.Graphics L1 = Me.CreateGraphics 'Use a red pen color to draw a line Dim PenColor AsNew System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, 10) L1.DrawLine(PenColor, ActposX, ActposY - 10, ActposX + 30, ActposY - 10) i...