yet again about combobox suggest any substring


Active member
Jun 1, 2012
Programming Experience
as you know, the combobox autocompletemode suggests items that start with the specified string, and not contain

Public Class Form1
    Private AllNames As New DataTable()

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        AllNames.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))

        For i As Integer = 0 To (ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.KeyPress
        Dim name As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", ComboBox1.Text, e.KeyChar.ToString())
        'join previous text and new pressed char
        Dim rows As DataRow() = AllNames.Select(String.Format("Name LIKE '%{0}%'", name))

        Dim filteredTable As DataTable = AllNames.Clone()
        For Each r As DataRow In rows
        ComboBox1.DataSource = Nothing
        ComboBox1.DataSource = filteredTable.DefaultView
        ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Name"
    End Sub
End Class

The datatable AllNames has only 1 field ("Names") and rows obtained from combobox items collection

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Cable Doris B.
Cabrera Luis-Felipe
Cabrera Malu
Cady Dorothy
Cady Dorothy L.
Caffarelli Fabrizio
Caffrey Martin
Cahape Pat
Cahn Dudley D.
Cairoli R.
Dachslager Howard L.
Daconta Michael C.
Dahleh Munther A.
Dahmen H.D.
Dahr Michael
Dalang Robert C.
Dalgleish Fred
Dalglesh Fred
Dallas Alastair W.
Eagan John
Eager Bill
Earnshaw Rae
Eastman Richard
Eaton John K.
Eaton Laura
Ebenau Robert G.
Eberhard Anton A.
Ebert David S.
Eccles Margaret
Eckel B.
Fabbri Tony
Fairclough J.
Faison Ted
Faith Irene
Falby Walter
Falk Jack
Falkenberg E.D.
Falkner Mike
Fally Veronique
Falster Peter
Farkas David
Farley Tim
Farmer Lesley S.J.
Farnell Brenda
Farrell Ann M.
Farrell James Alan
Farrell Joyce M.
Farrell Rob
Fatah Burhan
Faudemay P.
Gal Tomas
Galambos Emery
Galdeiri Beth
Gale Thornton
Gallagher Richard S.
Gallagher Simon
Gallaire Herve
Gallaire Herve; Minker Jack and Nicolas Jean Ma
Gallmeister Bill O.
Hahn Brian D.
Hahn Harley
Haigh Jim
Hains Gaetan
Hakala David
Hakim Jack
Halang W.A.
Hale Robert L
Ian Devling
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Ichikawa Tadao
Ing Julie
Ingalsbe L.
Ingalsbe Lon
Ingham Kenneth
Inglis Jim
Inman Don
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Jacobson Linda
Jacobson norma
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Jacso Peter
Jaeschke Rex
Jagannathan R.
Jagannathan Suresh
Jagger Alice
Kalman David M.
Kalman Ted
Kalmon Ted
Kaluzniacky Eugene
Kambayashi Y.
Kambayashi Yahiko
Kamin Johnathan
Kamin Jonathan
Kamin Sam
Labarre James E.
Laborde Dominique
Ladd Scott Robert
Ladymon Robert F.
Laffra C.
Lafore Robert
Lafore Robert W.
Lafreniere Lori
Lahey Thomas M.
Lai David A.
Lajoie Susanne P.
Lake Matthew
MacKay Jeff
MacKay Pierre
MacKenroth D.R.
MacKenzie I. Scott
MacKerle J.
MacLean Roy
MacLeod Don
MacNelly Jeff
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MacVittie Donald W.
MacVittie Lori A.
Nahrstedt Klara
Naiditch David
Naiman Arthur
Nait Abdallah Areski
Nakamura Shoichiro
Nameroff Steven
Nance Barry
Nance Douglas W.
Nanfarra Frank
Nanney T.
O'Donnell Craig
O'Donnell John T.
O'Donnell Peggy
O'Donnell Sandra Martin
Palamidese Patrizia
Palle Ibsen
Palmer Ian C.
Palmer Michael J.
Palmer R.
Palmer Roger
Palmer Roger C.
Palmer Scott
Quach e
Quasney James S.
Quilici Alexander E.
Quinn Bob
Quirk Kent
Quittner Pal
Qureshi A.H.
Rahimi S.
Rahmel Dan
Rahmel Ron
Raiha Kari-Jouko
Rains Alvin L.
Raitt David I.
Raker Dan
Sadri F.
Sagiv Yehoshua
Sagman Stephen W.
Sagman Steve
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Saigal Romesh
Saini Atul
Saint-Dizier Patrick
Saitta L.
Sajo Andras
Saks Dan
Tan Poh Lee
Tanaka Hidehiko
Tanaka Katsumi
Tanca L.
Tanenbaum Andrew S.
Tang Victor
Tanik Murat
Tanik Murat M.
Uno Kimio
Unruh Betty
Unruh Eric L.
Unseld Sigrid
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Urbanek Waldemar
Uren Emmanuel
Utvich Michael
Utz James
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Van Der Gaag Linda
Van Der Lans Rick F.
Van Der Linden Peter
Van Duyn Julia
Van Dyk John A.
Van Dyke Steven L.
Van Gilluwe Frank
Van Gucht D.
Van Halteren Hans
Van Hentenryck Pascal
Wagoner Kathleen P.
Wagstaff Sean
Wah Benjamin W.
Wahl Bernt
Waite Mitchell
Wakeling David
Wakeman Lois
Walden Jeff
Walden Kim
Xie M.
Yao S.
Yao S. B.
Yarmish Rina
Yellick Craig
Yeralan Sencer
Yerkey A. Neil
Yester Michael
Yocom Jeff
Yonezawa Akinori
Zack William H.
Zehna Peter W.
Zeleznikow J.
Zelkowitz Marvin V.
Zenreich Alan
Zernik Uri
Ziarko Wojciech P.
Zicari Roberto

So, if the user types a first name or last name regardless, the combobox is supposed to suggest the names containing that substring
But the code doesnt seem to work, and sometimes I get a protected memory access violation exception

Any help?
I don't really see why you're changing the bindings every time. Why not just bind the DataTable to the ComboBox once to start with and then set its DefaultView.RowFilter each time?