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So... it's the inevitable Hangman Game question that every new programmer must tackle 
I'm just stuck and going in circles. I think I need an extra set of trained eyes to help me out.
I know my code is not so eloquent to look at, but I have only been studying for about 5 weeks.
My hangman game seems to be working fine, until I start a new game, then everything goes a little funky.
I've stepped through my code over and over and just don't see the logic error. Would anyone be willing to take a look and find problems?
I am using button controls for the alphabet and declaring a win or lose by whether the pieces of my hangman are all visible (lose) or all of my answer labels are visible (win). Like I said, the code works flawlessly on first iteration, but after a new game is started, words and labels and such don't match up. Sometimes the game says I won when I press any alphabet button, or (even if I know the word) the labels will not show up correctly and it counts as an incorrect guess. Anyways, here's the code I've been working with. I hope you find it is long, but commented well.
I'm just stuck and going in circles. I think I need an extra set of trained eyes to help me out.
I know my code is not so eloquent to look at, but I have only been studying for about 5 weeks.
My hangman game seems to be working fine, until I start a new game, then everything goes a little funky.
I've stepped through my code over and over and just don't see the logic error. Would anyone be willing to take a look and find problems?
I am using button controls for the alphabet and declaring a win or lose by whether the pieces of my hangman are all visible (lose) or all of my answer labels are visible (win). Like I said, the code works flawlessly on first iteration, but after a new game is started, words and labels and such don't match up. Sometimes the game says I won when I press any alphabet button, or (even if I know the word) the labels will not show up correctly and it counts as an incorrect guess. Anyways, here's the code I've been working with. I hope you find it is long, but commented well.
Imports System.IO Public Class HangmanForm ' Declare constants Private Const HINT_String As String = " Letter Word" Private Const YOU_WIN_String As String = "You win!" ' Declare variables Private score_Decimal As Decimal Private numOfGuessesInteger As Integer Private randomNumberInteger As Integer Private wordListStreamReader As StreamReader Private generateRandom As Random = New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond) Private newWordString As String Private newWordLengthInteger As Integer Private indexInteger As Integer = 0 Private answerLabel As Label Private guessString As String Private guessControlVar As Integer = 0 ' Delcare counters and accumulators Private numOfGamesPlayedInteger As Integer = 0 Private numOfGamesWonInteger As Integer = 0 Private numOfWordsAvailableInteger As Integer = 0 Private Sub NewGameToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewGameToolStripMenuItem.Click, newGameButton.Click EnableAllButtons() ' Enables all buttons ClearLabels() ' Makes answer labels invisible ResetHangman() ' Makes hangman invisible ' Generate random number for word selection randomNumberInteger = generateRandom.Next(0, numOfWordsAvailableInteger - 1) ' Select a word wordsComboBox.SelectedIndex = randomNumberInteger newWordString = wordsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString ' Show hint to player newWordLengthInteger = newWordString.Length hintTextBox.Text = newWordLengthInteger.ToString & HINT_String ' Fill letter labels with new word Dim newWordLetters(newWordLengthInteger - 1) As String For x As Integer = 0 To newWordLengthInteger - 1 newWordLetters(x) = newWordString.Substring(x, 1) ' Initialize array with characters from new word Next x For Each Me.answerLabel In Me.answerGroupBox.Controls If indexInteger < newWordLengthInteger Then Me.answerLabel.Text = newWordLetters(indexInteger) indexInteger += 1 Else Me.answerLabel.Text = "" End If Next ' Hide answer labels with no letter assigned For Each Me.answerLabel In Me.answerGroupBox.Controls If answerLabel.Text = "" Then answerLabel.Visible = True Else answerLabel.Visible = False End If Next End Sub Private Sub labelCheck() guessControlVar = 0 ' Resets control variable for incorrect guess ' This subroutine checks whether a guess is correct For Each Me.answerLabel In Me.answerGroupBox.Controls If guessString = Me.answerLabel.Text.ToUpper Then ' Correct guess by player Me.answerLabel.Visible = True guessControlVar += 1 End If Next ' Check to see if all labels are visible (game won) If Label1.Visible And Label2.Visible And Label3.Visible And Label4.Visible And Label5.Visible And Label6.Visible And Label7.Visible And Label8.Visible And Label9.Visible And Label10.Visible And Label11.Visible And Label12.Visible And Label13.Visible And Label14.Visible Then ' Disable all alphabet buttons DisableAllButtons() ' Display wining message to player MessageBox.Show(YOU_WIN_String) ' Increment game and score counters numOfGamesPlayedInteger += 1 numOfGamesWonInteger += 1 ' Show score to player scoreButton.PerformClick() End If If guessControlVar = 0 Then ' Show a piece of the hangman If nooseShape.Visible = False Then nooseShape.Visible = True ElseIf headShape.Visible = False Then headShape.Visible = True ElseIf bodyShape.Visible = False Then bodyShape.Visible = True ElseIf leftArmShape.Visible = False Then leftArmShape.Visible = True ElseIf rightArmShape.Visible = False Then rightArmShape.Visible = True ElseIf leftLegShape.Visible = False Then leftLegShape.Visible = True ElseIf rightLegShape.Visible = False Then rightLegShape.Visible = True End If End If If nooseShape.Visible And headShape.Visible And bodyShape.Visible And leftArmShape.Visible And rightArmShape.Visible And leftLegShape.Visible And rightLegShape.Visible Then ' Display losing message to player MessageBox.Show("You're hung!") ' Increment games played numOfGamesPlayedInteger += 1 ' Disable alphabet buttons DisableAllButtons() ' Display score to user scoreButton.PerformClick() End If End Sub Private Sub DisableAllButtons() ' Disables all the alphabet buttons aButton.Enabled = False bButton.Enabled = False cButton.Enabled = False dButton.Enabled = False eButton.Enabled = False fButton.Enabled = False gButton.Enabled = False hButton.Enabled = False iButton.Enabled = False jButton.Enabled = False kButton.Enabled = False lButton.Enabled = False mButton.Enabled = False nButton.Enabled = False oButton.Enabled = False pButton.Enabled = False qButton.Enabled = False rButton.Enabled = False sButton.Enabled = False tButton.Enabled = False uButton.Enabled = False vButton.Enabled = False wButton.Enabled = False xButton.Enabled = False yButton.Enabled = False zButton.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub EnableAllButtons() ' Enables all the alphabet buttons aButton.Enabled = True bButton.Enabled = True cButton.Enabled = True dButton.Enabled = True eButton.Enabled = True fButton.Enabled = True gButton.Enabled = True hButton.Enabled = True iButton.Enabled = True jButton.Enabled = True kButton.Enabled = True lButton.Enabled = True mButton.Enabled = True nButton.Enabled = True oButton.Enabled = True pButton.Enabled = True qButton.Enabled = True rButton.Enabled = True sButton.Enabled = True tButton.Enabled = True uButton.Enabled = True vButton.Enabled = True wButton.Enabled = True xButton.Enabled = True yButton.Enabled = True zButton.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub ClearLabels() For Each Me.answerLabel In Me.answerGroupBox.Controls answerLabel.Visible = False Next End Sub Private Sub ResetHangman() ' Makes all parts of hangman invisible nooseShape.Visible = False headShape.Visible = False leftArmShape.Visible = False rightArmShape.Visible = False bodyShape.Visible = False rightLegShape.Visible = False leftLegShape.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles aButton.Click, bButton.Click, cButton.Click, dButton.Click, eButton.Click, fButton.Click, gButton.Click, hButton.Click, iButton.Click, jButton.Click, kButton.Click, lButton.Click, mButton.Click, nButton.Click, oButton.Click, pButton.Click, qButton.Click, rButton.Click, sButton.Click, tButton.Click, uButton.Click, vButton.Click, wButton.Click, xButton.Click, yButton.Click, zButton.Click ' Handles any button click with select case structure Select Case DirectCast(sender, Button).Name ' Select a case depending on the name of the case and process ' the commands under the selected case as an event. Case "aButton" aButton.Enabled = False ' Disables button after it has been pressed guessString = "A" ' Sets guessString to letter labelCheck() ' Calls labelCheck() Case "bButton" bButton.Enabled = False guessString = "B" labelCheck() Case "cButton" cButton.Enabled = False guessString = "C" labelCheck() Case "dButton" dButton.Enabled = False guessString = "D" labelCheck() Case "eButton" eButton.Enabled = False guessString = "E" labelCheck() Case "fButton" fButton.Enabled = False guessString = "F" labelCheck() Case "gButton" gButton.Enabled = False guessString = "G" labelCheck() Case "hButton" hButton.Enabled = False guessString = "H" labelCheck() Case "iButton" iButton.Enabled = False guessString = "I" labelCheck() Case "jButton" jButton.Enabled = False guessString = "J" labelCheck() Case "kButton" kButton.Enabled = False guessString = "K" labelCheck() Case "lButton" lButton.Enabled = False guessString = "L" labelCheck() Case "mButton" mButton.Enabled = False guessString = "M" labelCheck() Case "nButton" nButton.Enabled = False guessString = "N" labelCheck() Case "oButton" oButton.Enabled = False guessString = "O" labelCheck() Case "pButton" pButton.Enabled = False guessString = "P" labelCheck() Case "qButton" qButton.Enabled = False guessString = "Q" labelCheck() Case "rButton" rButton.Enabled = False guessString = "R" labelCheck() Case "sButton" sButton.Enabled = False guessString = "S" labelCheck() Case "tButton" tButton.Enabled = False guessString = "T" labelCheck() Case "uButton" uButton.Enabled = False guessString = "U" labelCheck() Case "vButton" vButton.Enabled = False guessString = "V" labelCheck() Case "wButton" wButton.Enabled = False guessString = "W" labelCheck() Case "xButton" xButton.Enabled = False guessString = "X" labelCheck() Case "yButton" yButton.Enabled = False guessString = "Y" labelCheck() Case "zButton" zButton.Enabled = False guessString = "Z" labelCheck() End Select End Sub Private Sub ScoreToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ScoreToolStripMenuItem.Click, scoreButton.Click Try ' Calculate score_Decimal as games won divided by total games played score_Decimal = (numOfGamesWonInteger \ numOfGamesPlayedInteger) * 100 ' Display score to player MessageBox.Show("Games Played: " & numOfGamesPlayedInteger & Environment.NewLine & "Games Won: " & numOfGamesWonInteger & Environment.NewLine & "Score Percentage: " & score_Decimal & "%") Catch MessageBox.Show("No score yet!") End Try End Sub Private Sub HangmanForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' Open word list file wordListStreamReader = New StreamReader("WordList.txt") While wordListStreamReader.Peek <> -1 wordsComboBox.Items.Add(wordListStreamReader.ReadLine()) ' Adds words to hidden list numOfWordsAvailableInteger += 1 End While ' Close file wordListStreamReader.Close() newGameButton.PerformClick() End Sub End Class
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