I have build a remote for Win98 and XP in VB6 to send ASCII-text via TCP/IP, and I got a server-program to take care of all the remote-function. I used this VB6-code...
Now I start with VB.NET because I want to make my remote for a handheld PC (iPAQs) also. When I make an "Windows applikation" the Winsock module is enabled but when i try to make an "Smart device application" the winsock module is disabled. How can I make it work? Is ther another module/component to use with handheld computer? Is there a tutorial or exampel to send my ASCII-text from the iPAQs into my server-program?
I have build a remote for Win98 and XP in VB6 to send ASCII-text via TCP/IP, and I got a server-program to take care of all the remote-function. I used this VB6-code...
tcpClient.Connect "", 1002
If tcpClient.State = 7 Then
tcpClient.SendData ":1#0240020a03#"
End If