Question Win7 push file question


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Programming Experience
Okay, so I have a domain with multiple users joined on it. I am looking for a way to "push" a file to one of the computers and have it ran on it automatically. Even while the users are logged in (I don't know their passwords..) this should still work without bothering the user. This is going to be for updates of another program but I figured it would just be easier to make a program to make sure everyones up to date.
This will need to bypass any account privilages. I've tried using copy source dest and get Access Denied.
Also.. This will need to work WITHOUT already having a server type program listening.

My question is.. why type of .NET feature could I use to achieve this task? I've been reading about CreateProcessWithLogin but not sure if thats what I'm looking for. Anyway.. what are my choices here?? Thanks in advance!