Rabid Lemming
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- Feb 10, 2005
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hey ya all,
I am a student learning or more to the point teaching my self vb.net. I am using the 2005 beta version free from Microsoft because I can not afford the fully licence version lol
Any way I am making an application and I want to be able to either trace or catch errors and report what the error is to the user
Normally I would use:
But I think perhaps I should be using:
i am not 100% sure if either of these codes work or not as unless i get an error i cant test the code.
The question I am asking is what is the best way to catch any error and report the error back to the user?
Any help would be appreciated
Rabid Lemming
I am a student learning or more to the point teaching my self vb.net. I am using the 2005 beta version free from Microsoft because I can not afford the fully licence version lol
Any way I am making an application and I want to be able to either trace or catch errors and report what the error is to the user
Normally I would use:
[color=blue]On[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Error[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]GoTo[/color][color=black] errorHandler[/color]
[color=black]txtHelp.Text = "Warining!!! A error has occurd!" + vbNewLine + "Please alert the administration and inform them of the following error:" + vbNewLine + Conversion.ErrorToString(EventLogEntryType.Error + EventLogEntryType.Information + EventLogEntryType.Warning)[/color]
But I think perhaps I should be using:
[color=blue]Private[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Shared[/color][color=black] generalSwitch [/color][color=blue]As[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]New[/color][color=black] TraceSwitch("General", "Entire Application")[/color]
[color=blue]Public[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Shared[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Sub[/color][color=black] MyErrorMethod([/color][color=blue]ByVal[/color][color=black] myObject [/color][color=blue]As[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Object[/color][color=black], [/color][color=blue]ByVal[/color][color=black] category [/color][color=blue]As[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]String[/color][color=black])[/color]
[color=green]' Write the message if the TraceSwitch level is set to Error or higher.[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=blue]If[/color][color=black] generalSwitch.TraceError [/color][color=blue]Then[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=black]txtHelp.Text = "Warining!!! A error has occurd!" + vbNewLine + "Please alert the administration and inform them of the following error:" + vbNewLine + myObject + category[/color]
[color=blue]End[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]If[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=green]' Write a second message if the TraceSwitch level is set to Verbose.[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=blue]If[/color][color=black] generalSwitch.TraceVerbose [/color][color=blue]Then[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=black]txtHelp.Text = "Warining!!! A error has occurd!" + vbNewLine + "Please alert the administration and inform them of the following error:" + vbNewLine + Conversion.ErrorToString(EventLogEntryType.Error + EventLogEntryType.Information + EventLogEntryType.Warning)[/color]
[color=blue]End[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]If[/color][color=black][/color]
[color=blue]End[/color][color=black] [/color][color=blue]Sub[/color][color=black] [/color][color=green]'MyErrorMethod [/color]
i am not 100% sure if either of these codes work or not as unless i get an error i cant test the code.
The question I am asking is what is the best way to catch any error and report the error back to the user?
Any help would be appreciated
Rabid Lemming