Website date/time modified

Solo Wing Dragon

New member
Dec 19, 2004
Programming Experience

I'm still relatively new to VB.NET; I've been learning it for almost half a year, although I had already been learning Delphi for half a year before that. I was wondering if there was a method in .NET to be check a webpage url (stored in a string) to see if the webpage had been updated, and turn a confirmation to show whether the page had been updated or not. I know there has to be some sort of date/time value stored in webpages that Internet Explorer uses to detect whether to load a page from temporary internet files or not, so what I had in mind was the compare that date/time to a previous collected date/time and see if they are the same or not.

Any help on the subject would be appreciated.

suddenelfilio said:
you should try the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request object. Perhaps you can query some of the server variables which are included in every HTTP Request.

Hey, thanks for replying.

From what I gather after reading through some of the help, it seems that most of the HttpContext methods and properties are related to finding out information to do with an ASP.NET page. What I was after was the datetime of when a webpage in general was last modified... the page isn't neccessarily one that I generated with ASP, it could be any page on the internet, depending on a url stored in a string.

Is there any other classes that deal with web pages in general?
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