WebBrowser Control / A LOT of memory?


Active member
Feb 20, 2007
Programming Experience
Is anyone else having problems with the WebBrowser control using A LOT of memory?

It's to the point where it causes my system to fail.

If any of you have experience with this, what are some steps that I could take to help minimize this problem?

I'm starting to feel like I'm going about my application the wrong way.
I only have experience with it not taking much memory and not being any problem. You have to check memory allocation when app is minimized, even then there is still more memory allocations than is actually used, this is all managed by the framework engine. When minimized I see allocation around 1mb for the WebBrowser control, when not minimized allocations between 10-30mb. You can see the same with Internet Explorer also, but there with many open tabs the allocations can reach 100mb.
I've seen it happen with regular web browsers (IE / Firefox) but my application has reached up to 700+ MB in memory usage; it's pretty crazy!

I'm going to rewrite (again) the way the systems & software are ran this weekend. I really hope I can sort this all out.

Thanks for the reply John.