WebBrowser certificates and pop-ups


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
Programming Experience
I have embedded the WebBrowser control v.2.0 in Windows form and i've coded almost evertyhing that IE 6 supports (back, forward, refresh, options, properties, print ... ).

What i am struggling with is Support for the certificates and pop-ups.
When the dialog for certificates appears it refers to real Internet explorer and my Browser just hangs up. As for the pop-up windows i need that all popups be opened in a new tab in my browser. I have made the functions that creates tabpage i just need to catch that it's pop-up and call the function.

Thanks :)
With the app that i attached above? does it work? if it's true i owe you a beer JohnH.
Just please confirm that it worked or maybe you were using another code/project for testing?

Thanks :)
I used an empty project with only a Webbrowser control, navigated it to the site and interacted normally, the certificate dialog popped up like it does when I use IE and I proceeded to login without any issues. So at least from that test it doesn't seem to be any problem with Webbrowser control and certificates.