Web Question


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2008
Dallas, TX
Programming Experience
Hello All,,,,,

I am not sure if this question should be in vb.net or asp.net, however, I think I am in the site forum.... If not please let me know.

I have a client that has 3 different locations (main office and two differnet offices on different sides of the country).

They would like to start having training rooms for thier employees and would like to have monitors with video and slideshows. Since their main office is seperate they asked if they could have both monitors connected to their internet connetion and upload videos and slideshows to thier website and have different feeds that direct the training info to either location (which ever feed they choose).

I can make a website off theirs and direct a page to thier monitors, however, they said they are in the process of opening a few more locations that the training rooms would be there as well. They would like to upload info to one location and point which info they want to which location.

Does anyone know where I can go to learn more about this and anyone with some expert info......

Thanks in advanced
