Question Web Browser and Active X Control Help


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Programming Experience

I am trying to integrate a web camera into my VB.NET form. I have the latest firmware and Axtive X control from the manufacturer.

If I put the AxtiveX control on my form and write some code to connect to the camera the camera says it has connected however there is no video display.

Here is the funny bit. If I add a Web Browser object to the page, add the camera IP to the URL, compile and connect to the camera using the Web Browser object first, my AxtiveX control will then connect to the camera and display the video.

If I remove the Web Browser URL but leave the object on the form then the camera will still connect and display the video feed.

If I remove the Web Browser object from the form and compile, then the ActiveX control will connect to the camera, say it is connected but will not display the video anymore.

This indicates to me that the AxtiveX control is ok and so is my connection code. The Web Browser object is doing "something" to enable the ActiveX control to connect.

Can anyone give me a few suggestions on what that something is? How I could find out what’s going on? The manufacturer has been helping me however they say it should work without the Web Browser object on the form.


I think you should be from another supplier. I have just tried one, the screen is very smooth , adding web page is also very simple.

So many these products, you can consider a change.
We changed the protocol to 0 (nothing) and connected to the camera and the camera returned connected interrogating the IsVideoStart() property.

This seemed strange as the protocol was 0 which should not have started the camera.

What we found was a missing line in the code that initially opens the connection to the camera over IP. Once we added this line to the program the video would display.

See attached the source code for a successful connection to the Zavio F521E IP camera in C#. The same connection string is also required in VB.NET.


Add this line to the declarations
using System.Net;

Add this line to the program (***MISSING LINE***)

HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(;
