
The behaviour of the VScrollBar class, like any class in the .NET Framework, is explained in the MSDN documentation. As to how you use it, that depends completely on what you're trying to achieve. How can we tell you what to do in your app when we know nothing about your app?
Opps sorry, my bad. It's because of the screen resolution problem. Simply my window form is too huge, so i need to amend a vertical scroll bar to it.
In that case you don't need a VScrollBar at all. You simply set the form's AutoScroll property to True.

That said, if your form is not big enough to fit all your controls on screen at a normal resolution then you have probably designed it poorly. You should consider breaking it up into multiple forms or perhaps using a TabControl to make better use of a smaller space.
There is also Anchor/Dock properties of controls (plus different size properties) and container controls like Panel/Groupbox used to create a dynamical resizable form environment that will auto-adjust when the form resizes.