VS.Net 2005 & VS.Net 2008, What's the difference ??


New member
Jan 20, 2008
Saudi Arabia
Programming Experience
Hi everyone :)

I'm gonna start learning VS.Net :cool:
And I have VS.Net 2008
But I wonder, What's the difference between VS.Net 2005 and VS.Net 2008 ?? :confused:
And should I start with VS.Net 2005 or VS.Net 2008 ?? Why ?

Depo ;)
You could start with either, but since you've already got VS 2008, you should start with that.

The VS 2008 IDE probably has a lot of nice features that VS 2005 doesn't. Plus VS 2008 depends on the 2.0 Framework, 3.0 Framework and the 3.5 Framework because they all build on each other.

So in the end VS 2008 is better since it does have excellent backwards compatibility.
I agree with JuggaloBrotha, with VS 2008 you can also choose to target an application for .Net 2.0 if for example deployment requires this, but still use the new Studio.
well i find it alot easier to program in VS2008, i think it is more flexable and a little less complex with some of the components, the new features and components in VS 2008 make some tasks a little easier to do and understand
I agree with JuggaloBrotha, with VS 2008 you can also choose to target an application for .Net 2.0 if for example deployment requires this, but still use the new Studio.

Is it hard to do this - ie do you manually have to added and remove the relevant references (or is it automatically). It i choose the target as .NET 2.0 for an application (didn't use the .NET 3.0 or 3.5 stuff) - could i then develop that application in VS2005 if i wanted too?

I am currently in VS2005 but I have VS2008 on my desk and am developing with .Net 2.0, but will sometimes have to develop on VS2005.
It is just a combo selection in project properties. Juggalo says he can open VB2008 projects in VB 2005 studio, I cannot. The primary function of the Framework version selection is to be able to compile the code for that version so it can run on a station that only got that version, or be referenced by older application assemblies. You can still use the new VB 2008 language features, but not class objects from newer framework versions.
Having both 2005 and 2008 studios installed is not a problem.