VS 2010-like gradient background on MDI parent form


Active member
Dec 29, 2010
Programming Experience
I have a MDI parent form where I would like to set up the form's bakground style something like is used in Visual Studio 2010 (blue with gradient effects). How can that be achieved programmatically?
Is that really the only option? Inserting background image causes flickering when the form is resized and I try to avoid it.
There is another option but it's probably no better. You can use GDI+ to draw gradient fill on MdiClient control embedded in the form. The problem is, when you resize the form, the entire MdiClient would need to be repainted, just like with an Image. That's why you see the flickering. When a solid colour is used, only the new area of the form has to be repainted when the size is increased and nothing has to be repainted when the size is reduced. If you want to get fancy, you pay the price.
Ok, I see. Any idea how Microsoft has achieved this on VS since there I don't see any flickering when the form is resized.