Hello, All.
Can someone help me to speed up the loading of application.
I'm creating a program like a Registry Editor but for viewing purposes only.
The program loads too slow because of my Try-catch for the security issues.
Here's the code.
Can someone help me to speed up the loading of application.
I'm creating a program like a Registry Editor but for viewing purposes only.
The program loads too slow because of my Try-catch for the security issues.
Here's the code.
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Security
Public Class Form1
Private Function CreateNodes(ByVal vParentNode As TreeNode, ByVal vRegKey As RegistryKey) As TreeNode
For Each vSubKeyName As String In vRegKey.GetSubKeyNames()
' Open subkey and create a childnode with subkeys name on it '
' Then create childnodes for childnode '
Dim vSubKey As RegistryKey = vRegKey.OpenSubKey(vSubKeyName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default, Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.ReadKey)
Dim vChildNode As New TreeNode(vSubKeyName)
'Dim vChildNode As New TreeNode(vSubKeyName.Name)
vChildNode = CreateNodes(vChildNode, vSubKey)
' vParentNode.Nodes.Add(vSubKeyName)
Catch ex As SecurityException
' Lots of security exceptions will be thrown if user is not admin or doesnt have access for whole registry '
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return vParentNode
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Get registrykey for LocalMachine '
Dim vRegKeyLocalMachine As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine
Dim vRegKeyClassesRoot As RegistryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot
' Create TreeNode and get its child nodes in CreateNodes method '
Dim vParentNode As New TreeNode(vRegKeyLocalMachine.Name)
Dim vParentNode2 As New TreeNode(vRegKeyClassesRoot.Name)
vParentNode = CreateNodes(vParentNode, vRegKeyLocalMachine)
vParentNode2 = CreateNodes(vParentNode2, vRegKeyClassesRoot)
' Show the nodes on treeview '
Dim root As TreeNode
root = New TreeNode(My.Computer.Name)
End Sub
End Class