VS 2003 and VS 2005 on the same PC?


Well-known member
May 22, 2006
Programming Experience
Can I have both installed on my laptop at the same time?

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Yes, you can. The Studios are separate applications, and the framework libraries install independently and does not affect each other.
the one thing you might find is that whichever one is installed last becomes the double-click handler for solutions and projects.. So you double click a 2003 project and the 2005 opens up. Its an easy thing to work around..
I understand, so I would just open up the version of VS I need to work with, and open projects from there.
I'm glad this will work.

Intriguingly, when I have 2 versions of VS installed, something like a SLN or VBPROJ file is registered as being opened by a app called "Visual Studio Version Selector" or soemthing like that.. Only, it never asked me to choose any versions, ever.. so maybe I was clicking the wrong thing, i dunno.. everything opens in 2005 :)
I saw that Selector dialog once (when I installed 2003 after 2005), think it was a checkbox to make default, because I've not seen it again. :) I do get correct Studio versions opening for different version solutions now.
I installed vs 2003 then a year later i got vs 2005 and all my vb2003 projects opens in 2003 on it's own and all the vb2005 projects open in 2005 on it's own

I didnt configure it this way, it does it by default, also after I installed vs 2005 I noticed all my vb 2003 solution files had the same icon but the icon now has a "7.1" in the top right corner too