Visual Studio 2005


Jun 3, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi there I was wondering whether I could have anyones expert opinion.

I have developed an application using visual studio 2003 trial edition which is for 60 days.

My company like what I have done and are now going to buy visual studio.

My question is should I get then to buy visual studio 2003 or 2005. If they buy 2005 will I be able to use it for my 2003 application?

Is this backward compatable?

Should I get 2003 or 2005?

Any advice would be appreciated.
What about trying Visual Basic 2005 Express also? It's the free Winforms edition of VS 2005. :D

You should go for VS2005 currently (VS2008/Net 3.0 is around now in Beta1, Beta2 this summer).

Not sure if VWD 2005 upgrades 2003 web project, I know the winforms does that.
Don't waste your money on VS 2003.

It's practically obsolete, and is not supported in Vista.

There are many new features available in VS 2005 along with the .NET 2.0 framework, and it's a lot easier to work with.

Anything you did so far in VB 2003 can be opened in VB 2005 and upgraded. Try it first using the free VB Express 2005 edition. You can use the Express edition for either Windows Forms or Console applications.
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personally I would recommend getting VS 2005 from the start, or wait another 9 months and get VS 2008
I wouldnt even consider going the route of 2003, 2005 is so much better and more stable. You may have some headaches upgrading your app to 2005 but it is worth it.