Visual Basic 2008 - Need help "storing" and "displaying" an array in GUI


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Apr 25, 2011
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Visual Basic 2008 - Need help "storing" and "displaying" an array in GUI

Hi, i am a complete noob to visual basic, I need to construct a small program that "stores" entered test scores into the program then when a button is clicked, it will display the scores with the appropriate names in the box below.

the values are the names "Brian" "james" "jimmy" "jock" and "gok" and there are two test scores "main test" "small test".. i need to be able to "store" these in a "database" and then when the user clicks "show marks" it displays all the names with the marks in a table format .. i'm totally screwed and i dont know where to start.. any help please?

i already have done a little coding for the gui such as a password entering system and all that works, all i need now is this storing thing

p.s this is for a class assignment that is worth %50 of my marks and the hand in date is in 3 days, i dont need the best answer, i jus need the easiest, thanks

You will need to create a database most likely access or something like that and you will want to create a table with at least 3 columns. One that stores users, another that stores the test types and a third that contains score and the primary key should be the combination or user and test type. When the application loads you can populate your controls with the values in the user and test types columns using grouping statements. When the user selects and hits the button you go to that table to grab the score. This is done VIA ADO.NET objects. You will need a connection, a command, and a datareader. Use these to connect to and query the database and in the future give yourself more than 3 days to complete your projects. :cool: