Question VB to monitor running Windows Title


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Programming Experience
Dear All,

I use following .vbs can let me know the Windows Title is running or not, however, I would like to do more, I am super dummy with VB, really appericated if anyone can help

1. Running the program with VB
2. By changing Label.Backcolor to show the Windows Title exist or not.
3. Can I run that from my machine instead logon to each server to run locally.

Dim WshShell
set WshShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
'Option Explicit

Const window_title = "test2.vbs - Notepad" ' Full Window title
Dim Wsh

' Create the WshShell object, which Run and AppActivate require.
Set Wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

if Wsh.AppActivate(Window_Title) then
WScript.Echo "Exist!!!"
end if

Best Regards,
But I found that 2 methods only able to find the processes name, not able to find the excatly Windows Title. All my applications are running with java.exe, I can't confirm the Windows I need is opening, any other idea.
Can't you check MainWindowTitle that I mentioned?