Tip Using String Lengths


Aug 19, 2010
Programming Experience
Working with lengths of strings can come in handy very often. If you need to find how long a string is you can, or if you need to break a string down into parts, you can.

1. Open a new project
2. Add one textbox and Four buttons (excessive but I am breaking each thing down)
3. Name buttons (text AND name)
button1 = btnCountChars
button2 = btnFirstThree
button3 = btnSecondThree
button4 = btnLastThree
4. Double click your first button and add this
Dim strLengthDemo As String = TextBox1.Text
MessageBox.Show(strlengthdemo.Length.ToString & " characters")
-This code will show the length of strLengthDemo. You add the ToString part because integers could be added to the textbox.
5. Double click your second button and add this
Dim strLengthDemo As String = TextBox1.Text
MessageBox.Show(strLengthDemo.Substring(0, 3))
-This is giving visual basic a starting point and how many characters to grab.
-This will get the first three characters in your textbox
6. Double click your third button and add this
Dim strLengthDemo As String = TextBox1.Text
MessageBox.Show(strLengthDemo.Substring(3, 3))
-This will start after the third character and grab 3 more and display them within a messagebox
7. Double click your fourth button and add this
Dim strLengthDemo As String = TextBox1.Text
-This tells visual basic to get the last three characters of your string.
8. Run your program (F5) and type in a 9 letter word. Or just 9 letters. Click each button to see how it works!

I will keep thinking of more beginner tuts soon enough. So keep waiting for them if you think I am helping.