Hi guys and gals,
I am trying to fill out a web form using a vb windows form and the .net web browser in 2005. I have tried everything from going element by element to trying to use the invoke("click"), etc. The form is in a frame on the page which I can access just fine, I can access and fill out the textbox and click on images in the form but unable to access the radio buttons as it states that I am referencing a "null" value.
Below is the form
This is a VB script that it call onClick:
Here is the form (some of it has been excluded):
As long as it runs the function or uses the click method, I really don't care but this is driving me crazy. Any help would be great!
I am trying to fill out a web form using a vb windows form and the .net web browser in 2005. I have tried everything from going element by element to trying to use the invoke("click"), etc. The form is in a frame on the page which I can access just fine, I can access and fill out the textbox and click on images in the form but unable to access the radio buttons as it states that I am referencing a "null" value.
Below is the form
This is a VB script that it call onClick:
Sub fnSelObject(ByVal strObjectType)
Document.InputForm.action = "SearchObjects.asp"
Document.InputForm.target = ""
Document.InputForm.Method = "post"
document.InputForm.ObjectType.Value = strObjectType
document.InputForm.LDAPActCriterion.Value = "."
end Sub
Here is the form (some of it has been excluded):
<FORM NAME='InputForm' ACTION='SearchObjects.asp' METHOD='POST'>
<table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<tr class=inputFieldA>
<td width=16%>
<INPUT type=radio id=rbObject name=rbObject CHECKED OnClick='fnSelObject("user")'>User</INPUT>
<td width=16%>
<INPUT type=radio id=rbObject name=rbObject OnClick='fnSelObject("Group")'>Group</INPUT>
<td width=16%>
<INPUT type=radio id=rbObject name=rbObject OnClick='fnSelObject("Resource")'>Resource</INPUT>
<td width=16%>
<INPUT type=radio id=rbObject name=rbObject OnClick='fnSelObject("OU")'>OU</INPUT>
<td width=16%>
<INPUT type=radio id=rbObject name=rbObject OnClick='fnSelObject("Computer")'>Computer</INPUT>
<INPUT type=hidden id=ObjectType name=ObjectType Value='user'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=ActCriterion name=ActCriterion Value='Name'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=ActProvider name=ActProvider Value='All Provider'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=ActExactSearch name=ActExactSearch Value='CHECKED'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=LDAPActCriterion name=LDAPActCriterion Value='cn'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=ActAction name=ActAction Value='SEARCHOBJECTS'>
<INPUT type=hidden id=StatusFilter name=StatusFilter Value=''>
<INPUT type=hidden id=MultiMode name=MultiMode Value=''>
As long as it runs the function or uses the click method, I really don't care but this is driving me crazy. Any help would be great!