Using gauges more effectively...


New member
Jul 25, 2007
Programming Experience
Again, the new programmer disclaimer... my understanding of processes and algorithms have got me in over my head with programming, hehe

Alright, I have a thread which continuously calculates the temperature of water in a tank. The user can change the heat input to the tank so the temperature is constantly changing based on a formula. In the thread I attempt to update gauge "temperature" on a form named "indication" with variable "temp".

(indication.temperature.value = temp).

Unfortunatly the gauge never displays the value of the temperature. Is this some limitation while using a thread.

I can update the gauge from anywhere else in the program and from any form, but not from that thread. I have tested the thread and it is working continuously, it just isn't displaying the value. Maybe there is a more efficient (or working) way to continuously update a gauge with a value??? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
You can't access controls created on different thread directly. Here's an example that display the thread-safe pattern (you must use one of the control's invoke methods to marshal the call to the proper thread)
You could also use the BackgroundWorker for async operation, its Progress and Complete events are thread-safe. BW uses AsyncOperation and AsyncOperationManager from System.ComponentModel namespace to synchronize messages between threads.