Using a dll in a vs2005 vb project


Feb 14, 2006
Programming Experience
ok so I am trying to use the popular 7za.dll for 7zips cababilities in my vb project..tho I cannot get the dll to reference :confused: and not sure why. Has anyone used this in vs2005 and If so how? I am pretty new to this and I may be doing something wrong...but im lost and need help;) it gets the error make sure its a com component or w/e..basically it can't read it or load it...if this has been tried and can't work...then how can i call another project within my vb project...the other program is a c++ application that i have the source/project for. Basically i want the 7zip console example embedded within my program..but its c++ and mine is vb..i "think" it can be done, but I don't know where to start. I added the console project to mine, but i dunno how to "start" it. Thanks in advance if you think you know the answer PLEASE post and if you need more info Ill be glad to give anything you need to help me out.