URL redirect not working - question


May 25, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Programming Experience
I have a hyperlink control redirecting to another page within my site. The URL is passed with the correct parameters, however the page won't load.

I'm fairly new to this so I copied an existing web page that was similar and made changes to the new context. The problem is that the new page, when be called, doesn't get to the page_load method. Is there some type of configuration that I missed?
User controls configuration issue

I have a hyperlink control redirecting to another page within my site. The URL is passed with the correct parameters, however the page won't load.

I'm fairly new to this so I copied an existing web page that was similar and made changes to reflect the new context. However, when I click the link, it does not redirect to the page that is in the hyperlink.navigateurl variable. As I mentioned, the URL is correct, but the page doesn't load.

I'm thinking it has something to do with the configuration, but I've changed all the variables I can possibly see. Is there something special that has to be done when working with .ascx (web user control) files?
The URL passes different parameters each time I click the link. I have
also cleared out the cache and tried it again. Same effect.

Also, the contents of the InitializeComponent() method were not erased.
The page isn't even being loaded.
The name of the page I want to load is ManagerAccountTableEdit.ascx.
The navigateurl variable of the hyperlink I want to take me there is
& ddlManager.selectedvalue
This follows the same format used on existing pages. Is there
something I need to do in order to "attach" the new page to the project
or should it automatically be recognized?

Thanks again.
Problem solved. Not that anyone cares, but just in case...

I needed to attach the newly created user control to the main (.aspx) page. Made the connections there and it loaded like a charm.

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