Upload web service to web site


New member
Jan 13, 2008
Programming Experience
hello everyone,

I am very new to web services, I have spent a few weeks trying to learn how to make and use them. Now I have been able to create basically what I want it to do, which was act as the intermediary between an offline client application and an online database.

Now I have created it and it works fine on my computer, where the service resides on http://localhost/WS_Test01

now then when I try and upload it to a website, basically what I do is I copy the folder that is in Inetpub>wwwroot>WS_Test01 and upload that to a folder on the site... but then when I try and create a web reference to it, it gives me the following error:

"The HTML document does not contain Web service discovery information."

i've done a lot of research and I think it has something to do with the WSDL and DISCO files. However, i'm using VS 2005 to create the web service and it doesn't create these files, only when the client application makes a web reference to it (localhost).

What am I doing wrong? Am I meant to manually create the wsdl and disco files? am I meant to register the web service somehow? please help me with this matter, it is very depressing spending all that time reading on how to create the thing and in the end not being able for it to fulfull its purpose.

I thank you all in advance. Any advice on the matter will be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
