Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly std


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Programming Experience
My users are getting this error when trying to install my application. It's getting frustrating b/c I don't know what to do to fix this. Is anyone getting this problem? I use click once to publish the app. It works fine on two of my own pc's but none of my users can use it.

here's the error msg.

Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly stdole Version 7.0.3300.0 be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.
Have your users installed the .NET Framework or have you included it as part of your own installer? If not then no .NET apps are going to run. ClickOnce is managed by the Framework so you can't install a ClickOnce app without the Framework.
Yes, I have included the .NET 2.0 link for download to my users and yes th eusers were up to date. Thanks for the quick, response though. On a lighter note I did find the solution. I also learned somthing in the process so if anyone has this trouble or to prevent troubles for you in the future check this out. Many of you may have already known this but I did not.

With VS 2005 if you go to the property's page of your project. Then goto the publish tab. Click on Application Files. Then for all of the references listed VS 2005 recongizes the one that should be prerequisites and they are default that way. Choose to include them with your project to save the user from having this trouble. YOu only need to leave it if you know for sure the user has the references you've chosen. However; I still havn't figured out why my application added this reference. I'm not using it as far as I can remember but I'm scared to pull it at this point. I think I'll run some trials to see. Anyways, I was a dumb fart but maybe my learning can help some one else as well. Thanks:)
LOL, Thank you. I found that tab also after I left my last post. Felt even dumber when I did. LOL. But yes, I used that to get rid of the references I wasn't using it also automatically removes them if you want it to. Thank you again so much.

I'm just a noob with a lot of potential.