ToolTip/NotifyIcon or something else.....Confused


Sep 4, 2006
Programming Experience
I want to get a kind of balloon tip, like the one that MSOffice Assistant shows when You click on it with all those textbox,button controls , on my winform.
If You can help please Do Reply.
The ToolTip component has additional functionality in .NET 2.0, including the IsBalloon property. Used in the normal way a ToolTip will display when you hover over a control, but it also has a Show method that lets you display it at specific times and specific places.
well I had actually tried it before posting this message...I did use the IsBalloon property and all those stuffs
Private Sub Label1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseHover
ToolTip1.OwnerDraw = True
ToolTip1.IsBalloon = True
ToolTip1.Show("HI", Label1, 30, 30, 1000)
End Sub
and was also able to get to display data from a multi dimensional array
but what i want is that if you open any Ms office assitant and click on it ,it shows a textbox with two buttons on it and I was thinking if that is possible in reply
That is advanced functionality for which you'd have to create your own class.

Also, there's no point handling the MouseHover event of a control and explicitly displaying a ToolTip. Like I said, that's the default behaviour of the ToolTip component. Either set the appropriate property of the control in the designer or call the SetToolTip method of the ToolTip to set the message for a specific control and it will be displayed automatically when the mouse hovers over that control. You have read the documentation for the ToolTip class haven't you?
well that eg code was just an example code...just don't mind the mouse hover event ...I have done for many other simple events also
and i think i have read the tooltip documentation given with VS 2005 but it would be really helpful if someone could get me get the MS office assitant styled "Whatever you call that" control

Different class ok but any idea on how start with....
The problem with this is that there is no straight forward way to go about it. You could try to extend the tooltip class but i think you will have problems adding the controls due to the fact that it uses the AnimateWindow API in the background, which presents it's own problems when adding controls as they don't show up. I think Jmcilhinney is right here and creating one from scratch would be the way to go, however physically adding controls to it won't be an option, but rather create a collection based tooltip that you can add items too that mimic the RadioButtons. It will be quite long winded but i'm happy to talk you through how to do it if you have the time.