Tip of the day - Help Required


New member
Jun 12, 2005
Programming Experience
I have created a 'Tip of the Day' form, containing a tick box that says 'Show at Start up'.
I would like when this tick box is ticked for the form to be displayed on startup, and vice versa when the tick box is unticked.
I understand this is a registry issue but can anyone please send me some code that will allow it to check and update the registry, in order for this to work properly?

Many many thanks,
We have used that in one of our apps but I can't release the code, sorry. (Privacy issues) BUT wat we did was use .dat file we created and just save the option in this file as a 1 for true or 0 for false. On startup read this dat file, if the Value is 1 then show a tip. Hope this helps ;)