The thread url's


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 3, 2004
Lansing, MI; USA
Programming Experience
I like how the forum now uses:
FORUM Feedback - VB.NET Forums

Instead of:
Sorting a Listbox - VB.NET Forums
Or however those php files used to work.

When did this change happen? I only noticed it today.

Edit: and now I notice that my link's where given the title of the forum/thread automatically, that's very nice.
Very nice stuff, is that why VB, vb, SEO, vbSEO are all underlined in all the thread's I've viewed today?
You're making an assumption I know how to use it? :) I'll have to check what that's doing, it has a lot of stuff as does vBulletin! Settings overload! :)
I'm not making an assumption that you know all this stuff, I'm making the assumption that you know how to find (if you don't already know) the answer to the question :p

P.S. Feel free to take your time.

I was trying to make a joke! Now you know why I'm not a comedian! :) I found where that stuff was coming from, it's called 'Acronyms' in vbSEO. I tried to make a funny and make an acronym for C# but it wiped out all the text in the posts as the # must have shut down the text rendering! :) Whew - glad it wasn't anything catastrophic!
My reply to your bad joke was a bad joke in of itself, the underlying joke of my post is that one should never assume, because 'assume' is "ass-u-me" which is short "make an ass out of you and me"

So indeed my assumptions of your assumptions that I was assuming surely did make an a** out of both of us