I have some code, just writing it. It converts images pixel by pixel and updates a form showing the picture every xxx pixels.
This problem is showing while the application is within 3 loops and a couple of routines, process and cpu are stable, there are no break points, there is absolutely nothing in code or externally running that would break the code. It breaks at reliable intervals for absolutely no reason. This is a pretty large problem as this code takes many minutes to convert a single picture and at the moment I'm being interrupted every couple of minutes, which means I can't leave it to do it's job. I'm getting completely pissed off with it!
I've looked for answers but other posts also have some cause or unusual thing happening. Unless for/next loops are now a problem in vb I have nothing in code that is incorrect.
Anyone else had this stupid break window stopping execution for no reason what so ever?
This problem is showing while the application is within 3 loops and a couple of routines, process and cpu are stable, there are no break points, there is absolutely nothing in code or externally running that would break the code. It breaks at reliable intervals for absolutely no reason. This is a pretty large problem as this code takes many minutes to convert a single picture and at the moment I'm being interrupted every couple of minutes, which means I can't leave it to do it's job. I'm getting completely pissed off with it!
I've looked for answers but other posts also have some cause or unusual thing happening. Unless for/next loops are now a problem in vb I have nothing in code that is incorrect.
Anyone else had this stupid break window stopping execution for no reason what so ever?