Question Text fields not updating


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi everyone,

Not sure what forum I should put this in, so if it should be somewhere else please let me know and I'll fix it up.

I'm developing in Visual Studio 2010 creating .aspx pages that talk with a SQL 2008 R2 database.

Basically I have a simple table within an update panel that consists of various textbox's. On page load the .text values of each text box is populated by grabbing the information from SQL via a stored procedure through code. This works fine.

The idea of the page is then to be able to edit the values in the text box's then click the update button and it runs another stored procedure to put the new values in place.

However if I put a break point in when I click 'Update' I can run through the current values of the .text field of the text box's and they will all equal what they were already set to and not the new\current values that are in the text fields.

Any ideas?

If I need to provide any code to help out, please let me know the areas you would like to see. Cheers.

Thanks in advance for anyhelp.
Ok, two questions :

Where/when do you populate your textboxes initially?


Are you testing for isPostback?