TCP Listener and Port Forwarding


New member
Mar 7, 2006
Programming Experience
Recently I have been trying to create an instant messenger for no more than 10-15 people to use. So far I have gotten it to work using a static server with multiple clients using an SQL database to store user information. The problem is that for an client to receive messages they must port forward - and this is a very big problem for me. I have been reading quite abit and I think that a constant connection needs to be established between the client and server, but I do not know how to do this - the farthest I got was just sending on a constant connection. So what I need to know is how to create a constant link between the server and clients and detect with the client if information is incomming. I am sorry if this is hard to understand I am quite perplexed at the moment :D.

If you need me to post any of the source of clarify please ask.

Thanks, mirunit