Tab Stop issue


New member
Jan 20, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a group box that Ive created in a form with 3 radio buttons and ive put each radio (0-2) and then click TabStop as true but when i run the application it only goes to the first radio button then passes over the next two to the exit button at the bottom of the form.. what am i doing wrong because it worked in the last form i did
This is standard Windows behaviour, a group of RadioButtons is considered a single tabstop, once in the group you can select between them with arrow keys.
Thats odd because the last form that i created i was able to tab (not arrow) through the optional radio buttons in the group box...
Thats odd because the last form that i created i was able to tab (not arrow) through the optional radio buttons in the group box...
You are mistaken. It wouldn't make sense to be able to do that. When a RadioButton receives focus it becomes selected, so if it worked like you want then it would be impossible to tab through the controls on the form without changing the selected RadioButton to the last one each time. That would be stupid and most frustrating for the user.
If you actually want your UI to work that way then you'd have to add multiple Panels to your GroupBox (one for each RadioButton) so that the RadioButtons were each considered a separate group. You'd have to then manually uncheck all the others when one because checked though. Also, get ready for your users to complain about your unintuitive UI that keeps selecting the last option when they don't want it to.