Summary comments etc


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2007
Kent, UK
Programming Experience
I have two installations of 2005, both with SP1.

On my laptop, when I type ''', it autocompletes
    ''' <summary>
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Property Test() As String

When I type ''' on my desktop, it gives me nothing at all :confused: Both were installed and SPd at the same time, and I havent (knowingly ;) ) turned the option off. My desktop version also doesnt display the summary when collapsed, whereas the laptop does.

I've looked in Options but cant find anything that might explain the difference. Any ideas?
You know, you're right. On my laptop using the 2005 Express edition the summary thing works like your laptop. On my desktop pc running 2005 Pro it doesn't do anything with the summary stuff, why is that?
Try right clicking on your project from solution explorer and going to properties. From the compile tab is Generate XML documentation file unchecked?
:D That fixed it, thanks Matt

I've even tried creating a new project, and it's checked by default. I certainly didnt knowingly turn it off in this project but anyway, fixed now :)