Students in dire need of help on Project


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Programming Experience
Hello all,

I am a Student and our class has been assigned a project that deals with the ticket system (raffles) for the local Ronald McDonald House. I can not figure out the logic for the tickets at all. We have created the following tables that deal with the tickets.

Ticket_Year (What year was the prize raffled off in)
Ticket_Num (the ticket created)
Gift_Type (Was the ticket a gift? This is a bit data_type)
FK - Donor_ID (relates back to the donor so the system knows who bought the ticket)

Ticket_Quanity_Low (This is a lower tier for the quanity of tickets produced)
Ticket_Quanity_High (This is a upper tier for the quanity of tickets produced)
Ticket_Price (The price of the ticket in the range it falls in)*I'll explain later

Ticket_Status_Description(printed/mailed, reprinted, cancled... ect)

So, the way the system should work is as follows. The person taking the ticket order should have the option to input how many tickets the donor wants which will generate the number of tickets given and the dollar amount of the tickets. The system should also allow the employee to enter the dollar amount given from the donor which will generate how many tickets will be printed.

The way the ticket_Quanity_Low and ticket_quanity_High works is it is suppose to be a range so if i donor asks for 3 tickets and the price bracket range is from 1(low) to 4(high) and the price would be $3.00, 5(low) to 14(high) would be $2, 15(low) to 39(high) would be $1.33, 40(low) to 9,999,999(high) would be $1.25

We have no idea where to begin with this. If anyone could help me please let me know. I have a ventrilo server and showmypc.exe. This thing is due next Wednesday and the professor teaching the class basically wont teach us anything.

Any willing teachers would be great.
Ventrilo info is
port 31084
pass 4thesmut

Channel would be Fresno State
User Name is Noct

Or just post on here with any suggestions or questions would be fine as well.
Doesnt seem too hard.

A person comes and uses the UI, they want to buy 200 tickets. The UI performs:

SELECT * FROM ticket_price WHERE low <= :price and high >= :price

:price is a parameter (read the PQ link in my signature) value set to 200

One row is returned. Now you know the price ID

Now make 200 rows in Tickets, with all the relevant info:

INSERT INTO tickets VALUES:)id, :year, :num (HOW IS THIS NOT THE ID), :is_gift, :donor_id (YOU NEED TO CREATE A DONOR FIRST), :status)

set all the parameters using the user interface.

For more info on working with databases, read the DW2 link in my signature section Creating a Simple Data App. PLSQL seems to indicate youre using Oracle?
We are using Sql Server 2005, my instructor was going of about us not having exposure to PL\SQL and how he thinks were not going to be able to get our project working in time.

I am going to see if I cant play with the logic using the queries you gave me. Thank you so much for the help.

Should I use a Stored Procedure if multiple clients are going to be using this system? I believe four people are using this system.

