Question Storing Passed Data!!


Jan 9, 2010
Programming Experience
Hello Guys and Gals

I hope you can help me.

I am trying to create a bounce.asp page. When the user goes to this site page i want to pass it some data like below

My goal is to store the "12345" and the "testingme" in a database (The database bit I can do)

on the page load event for bounce.asp i need to store the id= and the sub= values?

How the heck do I do this?? I have looked a sessions and previouspage handlers but I cant get it to work on multiple values!!!

Any help would be great



I added the bit of code to my load page event but it gives we the id=12345?sub=testingme all in one string!

So do I have to do a .split(?) or can you please help with loop as it does not seem to be splitting the keys and values

Dim loop1, loop2 As Integer
Dim arr1(), arr2() As String
Dim coll As NameValueCollection

' Load Form variables into NameValueCollection variable.
coll = Request.QueryString
' Get names of all keys into a string array.
arr1 = coll.AllKeys
For loop1 = 0 To arr1.GetUpperBound(0)
MsgBox("Key: " & Server.HtmlEncode(arr1(loop1)))
' Get all values under this key.
arr2 = coll.GetValues(loop1)
For loop2 = 0 To arr2.GetUpperBound(0)
MsgBox("Value " & CStr(loop2) & ": " & Server.HtmlEncode(arr2(loop2)))
Next loop2
Next loop1
You only ever use one ? between the base URL and the query string. If you want to pass multiple parameters in the query string then you separate them using + symbols:
oh right, for some reason then as i add this to the end of my page the


I get a messagebox
key = id
value=12345 sub=Testingsubject (Notice the "+") is missing from the added sub varaible
Ok i'm assuming that a browser has just navigated to

In code behind..

Dim name1 as String = Request.QueryString("name1")
Dim name2 as String = Request.QueryString("name2")

'name1 = aaaa
'name2 = bbbb

or if you have to get name/values dynamically then isn't this easier?

For Each nameValue As String in Request.QueryString.Split("&")
Dim name As String = nameValue.Split("=")(0)
Dim value as String = nameValue.Split("=")(1)
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Ah b*gger! Complete brain freeze on my part. A + is supposed to be used in place of a space and it's a & that separates query parameters, as zoller has shown.

The thing is, the QueryString property is type NameValueCollection, as the documentation I linked to shows. It's not a String, so it has no Split method. It's like a Dictionary or Hashtable, except that each key can represent multiple values. As the documentation shows, you can loop through the Keys and use each one to get its corresponding value(s). If there is more than one value then they will be contained in a comma separated String, which you could then split to get the individual values.

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