stored procedure>querying two tables


Sep 4, 2006
Programming Experience
can anyone suggest some ways to create stored procedures to insert/delete/search two to three tables at a time
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uhh.. yeah

You create a stored procedure that has as an argument list, all the values you would want to insert to your two or three tables, then you begin a transaction and run two or three insert statements, then you finish the transaction.

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hmm i actually figured out the stored procedure structures but what i actually require now is how to pass parameters from/to ,actually in one procedure i use a reference cursor and i need to retireve the data in the cursor to a textbox and a combo box...if you know how to that can you please help
i get the IDE to write all the donkey code for me in those situations.. I jsut go to whichever tableadapter is most relevant, make a new query (it doesnt matter what type) and finish the wizard, then goto the properties of the new query, set the type to StoredProcedure and change the name to whatever my sproc is caled. The IDE looks it up in the DB and makes a parameters collection for me that is all laid out. All i have to do is map the parameters to columns in the datatable, if im going to be using it in that way