Proper deployment like ClickOnce and Setup Project takes care of what users need to run your application if they wish to install it.Do all windows computers come with Windows Media Encoder 9? this needs to work for all my computers (I have a laptop with XP Home Edition SP2, my main work computer with XP Profession SP2, and I also have Vista on a laptop as well)
You probably haven't installed the development tools.I get some COM error on the line 'encoder = new WMEncoder(), so I don't intend to go with that way, it needs to be easier, I am thinking API...
You did install Visual Studio? No? There are ready applications out there that records video of screen, but you have to pay, and install themif I have to install anything, then it's certainly not for me..
There are ready applications out there that records video of screen, but you have to pay, and install them