Sockets .NET 1.1


New member
Jun 22, 2004
Programming Experience
Hi, I've been spending a lot of time trying to find a solution related to this problem. If you are working with Asynchronous Sockets you will know that you have to specify a Buffer. If a client connects to you and sends data you will receive that data into the Buffer variable (Byte()) and according to the length you can determinate:

If data allocated in Buffer() is less than Buffer.Length then you have to stop receiving data because transmission ends. But what if data is more than Buffer.Length, you will have to continue receiving and storing data into another Byte() or String or whatever variable until transmission ends.

The question is: How can you determinate when the transmission ends?

Ok, like Microsoft examples said, every time you want to determine if a transmission ends look for "<EOF>" but what if an attackers sends data and "<EOF>" delimiter wont arrive?
You will increase the store variable size until an Out Of Memory comes?

Sorry for my english.