Question slow binding navigator?


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
Programming Experience
I'm using with vs2008, I have a project right now that has a bunch of text boxes data linked and a binding navigator connected to a binding source of about 150 entries. It works fine, but everytime I try to navigate through the entries, it takes about 2-3 seconds. I want this to be instant, is there anything with the binding navigator tool that can cause it to be slow when navigating through entries? (all settings for the binding navigator are default). Nothing else on the form is slow, the project is pretty big so i'm sure it could be a number of things, however, i created a new binding navigator for testing purposes, linked it to the binding source of about 150, with all default settings, and it was still slow.

I remember I found some tips on datagridviews on how to make it faster by disabling some sorting features, is there anything for the binding navigator that could make it run a little faster?

Any help greatly appreciated.