Service to monitor ports activity?


Jul 20, 2006
Programming Experience
Greetings, I am mostly a web programmer using VB in my ASP.NET applications. I need some help/advice regarding a Windows Service I wish to create. I need to have a service that monitors activity on a few specific ports and runs a batch file whenever activity ceases.

Basically, we have a server running multiple live video streams with Windows Media Encoder/Windows Media Server. Each stream uses a seperate port for output. Currently the streams tend to get interrupted periodically, then doesn't restart. A scheduled daily restart of the server with a batch file run at start up has been moderately successful, but not 100%, as well having other problems (uptime!).

The idea is that if we have a service monitoring the streams via the ports, then we can tell if the are interrupt and run the batch file that restarts them. I suppose another way might be to monitor logs or something, I am not sure.

If anyone has any tips, ideas, or shoves in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.