service based database


New member
Jan 8, 2013
Programming Experience
i have installed sql server 2008 express with tools in windows xp. then i installed 2010. but when i try to add new item and click on service based database, popup comes (Connections to sql server database files .mdf require sql server 2005 or 2008 express to be installed and running on the local computer). why it is coming like that. but when i click local database it is working?
Local database is for SQL Server Compact (CE) files, this is a database engine that runs in-process with the application.
Service-based databases are run by a database service such as Sql Server or Sql Server Express in local or remote computer. The application connect to and interact with this service and does not host the database itself.
VB Express IDE/designers is limited to only connect to local database files/services, but for service based database you can develop the application locally and just change the connection string later to connect to a remote database service.

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